
25 Mag 2023 21:00

Lecture from the Eurasia Foundation


The Contribution of Vernaculars to the Rise of New Cultural Participation in Europe and Asia
Lecture 17
Lecture from the Eurasia Foundation

Yoji Sato
Eurasia Foundation (From Asia)

25th May 2023, h 9.00 - 11.00 CET

Eurasia Foundation (from Asia)’s intention is to contribute to the elimination of all conflicts in the world and the creation of a harmonious and peaceful society for everyone on earth. Looking back on the activities over the past 12 years, the activities that started in Asia have gone beyond mere regional expansion and deepened various forms of community discussions. In addition, this generation is pursuing expectations for a new form and role of a community beyond existing nations, ethnicities and ideologies. We have now implemented the task of the foundation not just in Asia, but all over the world. Asia needs to learn from Europe’s experience and wisdom, while Europe can get inspiration from Asia. We believe that mutual understanding of experiences, history, culture and society can enable us to discover new possibilities for the future generation. Moreover, rather than just engaging in Asian and European studies, we can share hopes for a creation of a new community for the next generation through exploration of the eternal absolute truth. I strongly believe that the enthusiasm and dedication of the students and the professors who participated in this course will lead to a leap for the establishment of the new community beyond nation and country. The foundation will continue striving for the creation of such community and the dream of “One World”.

The lecture will be exclusively online upon registration at this link


L'evento si terrà in italiano


Dipartimento di Studi sull’Asia e sull’Africa Mediterranea (Vincenza D'Urso); Ca’Foscari Korean Studies Lecture Series; Eurasia Foundation (from Asia); Fondazione Università Ca' Foscari


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